Custom filters can control how much of the contact data is included in the map at one time and highlight where hubs and potential spread exist. 4 of 6 Continue Visual attributes of nodes and labels can be adjusted to ensure clear map design for quick assessment to clearly identify potential spread and clusters. 5 of 6 Continue
The GIS mapping feature can be used to show how patients and contacts are connected over a geographic area and base layers can be imported to show population level data. 6 of 6 All Done!
Welcome to the PARTNER/COVID-19 Dashboard Tour
Where do the data come from?
Notifications, Data Analysis, and Reporting
This dashboard uses simulated data to show how PARTNER can be used as a contact tracing and data mapping tool in the wake of COVID-19. Only people with restricted access within an organization or agency performing contact tracing would be able to see or explore the data.
Learn More about PARTNER Start the Tour
The dashboard integrates real time data from our online customizable screener tool where infected patients or their interviewer complete a survey about the people and places they have had contact with over the past 14 days. Demo the screener tool Continue

Notification features can be added to alert patients and locations of risk.

Data can be analyzed by date, patient information, population health statistics, and other critical measurements.

Reporting tools can quickly generate graphs and charts to show details fo the data, making it easy to summarize and communicate with public officials and policy makers.

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{{ }}

{{ + ", " + selectedNode.state }}


{{ getAttributeName( }}

{{ getAttributeOptionName(, selectedNode.attributes[]) }}


Degree Centrality

{{ (selectedNode.scores.degreeCentrality * 100).toFixed(2) + '%'}}

In-Degree Centrality

{{ selectedNode.scores.inCentrality.toFixed(2) }}

Out-Degree Centrality

{{ selectedNode.scores.outCentrality.toFixed(2) }}